Kubernetes the not so hard way with Ansible - etcd cluster - (K8s v1.28)
This post is based on Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes The Hard Way - Bootstrapping the etcd cluster.
In the previous part certificate authority I installed the PKI (public key infrastructure) in order to secure communication between our Kubernetes components/infrastructure and also created certificates for authentication of the various K8s components. Now we use the certificate authorities (CA) and generated keys for the first and very important component - the etcd
cluster. etcd is basically a distributed key/value database. The Kubernetes services in general are stateless. All state is stored in etcd
so you should take care of your etcd
cluster in production. If you loose all etcd
nodes you loose the whole Kubernetes state… So making a snapshot/backup from time to time is - at least - recommended 😉
I want to mention that if the etcd
cluster nodes wont join then a possible reason could be the certificates. If it isn’t the firewall blocking traffic between etcd
nodes, the certificate’s host list could be the problem. The error message isn’t always clear about the issue.
As usual we add the role ansible-role-etcd to the k8s.yml
file e.g.:
hosts: k8s_etcd
role: githubixx.etcd
tags: role-etcd
Next install the role via
ansible-galaxy install githubixx.etcd
(or just clone the Github repo whatever you like). Basically you don’t need to change a lot of variables but you can if you want of course:
# The directory from where to copy the etcd certificates. By default this
# will expand to user's LOCAL $HOME (the user that run's "ansible-playbook ..."
# plus "/etcd-certificates". That means if the user's $HOME directory is e.g.
# "/home/da_user" then "etcd_ca_conf_directory" will have a value of
# "/home/da_user/etcd-certificates".
etcd_ca_conf_directory: "{{ '~/etcd-certificates' | expanduser }}"
# etcd Ansible group
etcd_ansible_group: "k8s_etcd"
# etcd version
etcd_version: "3.5.9"
# Port where etcd listening for clients
etcd_client_port: "2379"
# Port where etcd is listening for it's peer's
etcd_peer_port: "2380"
# Interface to bind etcd ports to
etcd_interface: "tap0"
# Run etcd daemon as this user.
# Note 1: If you want to use an "etcd_peer_port" < 1024 you most probably need
# to run "etcd" as user "root".
# Note 2: If the user specified in "etcd_user" does not exist then the role
# will create it. Only if the user already exists the role will not create it
# but it will adjust it's UID/GID and shell if specified (see settings below).
# Additionally if "etcd_user" is "root" then this role wont touch the user
# at all.
etcd_user: "etcd"
# UID of user specified in "etcd_user". If not specified the next available
# UID from "/etc/login.defs" will be taken (see "SYS_UID_MAX" setting).
# etcd_user_uid: "999"
# Shell for specified user in "etcd_user". For increased security keep
# the default.
etcd_user_shell: "/bin/false"
# Specifies if the user specified in "etcd_user" will be a system user (default)
# or not. If "true" the "etcd_user_home" setting will be ignored. In general
# it makes sense to keep the default as there should be no need to login as
# the user that runs "etcd".
etcd_user_system: true
# Home directory of user specified in "etcd_user". Will be ignored if
# "etcd_user_system" is set to "true". In this case no home directory will
# be created. Normally not needed.
# etcd_user_home: "/home/etcd"
# Run etcd daemon as this group
# Note: If the group specified in "etcd_group" does not exist then the role
# will create it. Only if the group already exists the role will not create it
# but will adjust GID if specified in "etcd_group_gid" (see setting below).
etcd_group: "etcd"
# GID of group specified in "etcd_group". If not specified the next available
# GID from "/etc/login.defs" will be take (see "SYS_GID_MAX" setting).
# etcd_group_gid: "999"
# Specifies if the group specified in "etcd_group" will be a system group (default)
# or not.
etcd_group_system: true
# Directory for etcd configuration
etcd_conf_dir: "/etc/etcd"
# Permissions for directory for etcd configuration
etcd_conf_dir_mode: "0750"
# Owner of directory specified in "etcd_conf_dir"
etcd_conf_dir_user: "root"
# Group owner of directory specified in "etcd_conf_dir"
etcd_conf_dir_group: "{{ etcd_group }}"
# Directory to store downloaded etcd archive
# Should not be deleted to avoid downloading over and over again
etcd_download_dir: "/opt/etcd"
# Permissions for directory to store downloaded etcd archive
etcd_download_dir_mode: "0755"
# Owner of directory specified in "etcd_download_dir"
etcd_download_dir_user: "{{ etcd_user }}"
# Group owner of directory specified in "etcd_download_dir"
etcd_download_dir_group: "{{ etcd_group }}"
# Directory to store etcd binaries
# IMPORTANT: If you use the default value for "etcd_bin_dir" which is
# "/usr/local/bin" then the settings specified in "etcd_bin_dir_mode",
# "etcd_bin_dir_user" and "etcd_bin_dir_group" are ignored. This is
# done to prevent that the permissions of "/usr/local/bin" are changed.
# This directory normally exists already on every Linux installation
# and should not be changed.
# So please be careful if you specify a directory like "/usr/bin" or
# "/bin" as "etcd_bin_dir" as this will change the permissions of
# these directories and this is something you normally do not want.
etcd_bin_dir: "/usr/local/bin"
# Permissions for directory to store etcd binaries
etcd_bin_dir_mode: "0755"
# Owner of directory specified in "etcd_bin_dir"
etcd_bin_dir_user: "{{ etcd_user }}"
# Group owner of directory specified in "etcd_bin_dir"
etcd_bin_dir_group: "{{ etcd_group }}"
# etcd data directory (etcd database files so to say)
etcd_data_dir: "/var/lib/etcd"
# Permissions for directory to store etcd data
etcd_data_dir_mode: "0700"
# Owner of directory specified in "etcd_data_dir"
etcd_data_dir_user: "{{ etcd_user }}"
# Group owner of directory specified in "etcd_data_dir"
etcd_data_dir_group: "{{ etcd_group }}"
# Architecture to download and install
etcd_architecture: "amd64"
# Only change this if the architecture you are using is unsupported
# For more information, see this:
# https://github.com/etcd-io/website/blob/main/content/en/docs/v3.5/op-guide/supported-platform.md
etcd_allow_unsupported_archs: false
# By default etcd tarball gets downloaded from official
# etcd repository. This can be changed to some custom
# URL if needed. For more information which protocols
# can be used see:
# https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/get_url_module.html
# It's only important to keep the filename naming schema:
# "etcd-v{{ etcd_version }}-linux-{{ etcd_architecture }}.tar.gz"
etcd_download_url: "https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/releases/download/v{{ etcd_version }}/etcd-v{{ etcd_version }}-linux-{{ etcd_architecture }}.tar.gz"
# By default the SHA256SUMS file is used to verify the
# checksum of the tarball archive. This can also be
# changed to your needs.
etcd_download_url_checksum: "sha256:https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/v{{ etcd_version }}/SHA256SUMS"
# Options for [Service] section. For more information see:
# https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html#Options
# The options below "Type=notify" are mostly security/sandbox related settings
# and limit the exposure of the system towards the unit's processes.
# https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html
- User={{ etcd_user }}
- Group={{ etcd_group }}
- Restart=on-failure
- RestartSec=5
- Type=notify
- ProtectHome=true
- PrivateTmp=true
- ProtectSystem=full
- ProtectKernelModules=true
- ProtectKernelTunables=true
- ProtectControlGroups=true
- CapabilityBoundingSet=~CAP_SYS_PTRACE
"name": "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
"cert-file": "{{ etcd_conf_dir }}/cert-etcd-server.pem"
"key-file": "{{ etcd_conf_dir }}/cert-etcd-server-key.pem"
"trusted-ca-file": "{{ etcd_conf_dir }}/ca-etcd.pem"
"peer-cert-file": "{{ etcd_conf_dir }}/cert-etcd-peer.pem"
"peer-key-file": "{{ etcd_conf_dir }}/cert-etcd-peer-key.pem"
"peer-trusted-ca-file": "{{ etcd_conf_dir }}/ca-etcd.pem"
"advertise-client-urls": "{{ 'https://' + hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + etcd_interface].ipv4.address + ':' + etcd_client_port }}"
"initial-advertise-peer-urls": "{{ 'https://' + hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + etcd_interface].ipv4.address + ':' + etcd_peer_port }}"
"listen-peer-urls": "{{ 'https://' + hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + etcd_interface].ipv4.address + ':' + etcd_peer_port }}"
"listen-client-urls": "{{ 'https://' + hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + etcd_interface].ipv4.address + ':' + etcd_client_port + ',' + etcd_client_port }}"
"peer-client-cert-auth": "true" # Enable peer client cert authentication
"client-cert-auth": "true" # Enable client cert authentication
"initial-cluster-token": "etcd-cluster-0" # Initial cluster token for the etcd cluster during bootstrap.
"initial-cluster-state": "new" # Initial cluster state ('new' or 'existing')
"data-dir": "{{ etcd_data_dir }}" # etcd data directory (etcd database files so to say)
"wal-dir": "" # Dedicated wal directory ("" means no separated WAL directory)
"auto-compaction-retention": "0" # Auto compaction retention in hour. 0 means disable auto compaction.
"snapshot-count": "100000" # Number of committed transactions to trigger a snapshot to disk
"heartbeat-interval": "100" # Time (in milliseconds) of a heartbeat interval
"election-timeout": "1000" # Time (in milliseconds) for an election to timeout. See tuning documentation for details
"max-snapshots": "5" # Maximum number of snapshot files to retain (0 is unlimited)
"max-wals": "5" # Maximum number of wal files to retain (0 is unlimited)
"quota-backend-bytes": "0" # Raise alarms when backend size exceeds the given quota (0 defaults to low space quota)
"logger": "zap" # Specify ‘zap’ for structured logging or ‘capnslog’.
"log-outputs": "systemd/journal" # Specify 'stdout' or 'stderr' to skip journald logging even when running under systemd
"enable-v2": "true" # enable v2 API to stay compatible with previous etcd 3.3.x (needed for flannel e.g.)
"discovery-srv": "" # Discovery domain to enable DNS SRV discovery, leave empty to disable. If set, will override initial-cluster.
# Certificate authority and certificate files for etcd
- ca-etcd.pem # certificate authority file
- ca-etcd-key.pem # certificate authority key file
- cert-etcd-peer.pem # peer TLS cert file
- cert-etcd-peer-key.pem # peer TLS key file
- cert-etcd-server.pem # server TLS cert file
- cert-etcd-server-key.pem # server TLS key file
The etcd
default flags/settings defined in etcd_settings
can be overridden by defining a variable called etcd_settings_user
. You can also add additional settings by using this variable. E.g. to override the default value for log-outputs
setting add a new setting like heartbeat-interval
and election-timeout
add the following settings to group_vars/k8s_etcd.yml
"log-outputs": "stdout"
"heartbeat-interval": "250"
"election-timeout": "2500"
The last two settings are definitely something to checkout. The values for these two settings made very much sense in my setup. The default ones were a little bit too low. I also add "peer-cert-allowed-cn": ""etcd"
in my setup. The value of this variable is taken from etcd_peer_csr_cn
variable (see previous blog post). When peer-cert-allowed-cn
flag is specified, an etcd
node can only join with matching common name (cn
) even with shared CAs (certificate authority). This might be important if you have multiple etcd
clusters running all with the same CA. This avoids that an etcd
member joins accidentally the wrong cluster.
And then there are two more default variables which I’ll change:
etcd_interface: "{{ k8s_interface }}"
etcd_ca_conf_directory: "{{ k8s_ca_conf_directory }}"
The role will search for the certificates I created in certificate authority in the directory specified in etcd_ca_conf_directory
(which in my case is just the value of k8s_ca_conf_directory
defined in group_vars/all.yml
) on the host where the Ansible Controller is located. And make sure to change etcd_interface
to wg0
(or the variable k8s_interface
defined in group_vars/all.yml
) instead of tap0
if you followed my blog series so far and used WireGuard
VPN and the interface wg0
. That’s important as the etcd
cluster nodes and the kube-apiserver
must be able to talk to each other!
And finally the firewall rules must be adjusted. So far I only allowed port 22222
(for SSH) and 51820
(for WireGuard
). For etcd
port 2380
(default) needs to be open between the etcd
cluster members for cluster/peer communication and normally port 2379
needs to be open for etcd
to kube-apiserver
communication. But as I’ll use my etcd
cluster also for Cilium
and Traefik
as mentioned in the previous blog post I need to allow port 2379
for the whole cluster. So I need to extend harden_linux_ufw_rules
in group_vars/k8s_etcd.yml
accordingly and the final list will look like this:
- rule: "allow"
to_port: "22222"
protocol: "tcp"
- rule: "allow"
to_port: "51820"
protocol: "udp"
- rule: "allow"
to_port: "2379"
protocol: "tcp"
from_ip: "" # K8s Controller + Worker
- rule: "allow"
to_port: "2380"
protocol: "tcp"
from_ip: "" # etcd node1
- rule: "allow"
to_port: "2380"
protocol: "tcp"
from_ip: "" # etcd node2
- rule: "allow"
to_port: "2380"
protocol: "tcp"
from_ip: "" # etcd node3
To deploy the firewall changes I re-deploy my harden-linux
ansible-playbook --tags=role-harden-linux k8s.yml
Now I can deploy the etcd
ansible-playbook --tags=role-etcd k8s.yml
This will install the etcd
cluster and start the etcd
daemons. Have a look at the logs of your etcd hosts if everything worked and the etcd
nodes are connected. Use journalctl --no-pager
or journalctl -f
or journalctl -t etcd
to check the systemd log. E.g.
ansible -m command -a "systemctl status etcd" k8s_etcd
ansible -m command -a "journalctl --boot -t etcd" k8s_etcd
Afterwards we can use Ansible to check the cluster status e.g.:
ansible -m shell -e "etcd_conf_dir=/etc/etcd" -a 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl endpoint health \
--endpoints=https://{{ ansible_wg0.ipv4.address }}:2379 \
--cacert={{ etcd_conf_dir }}/ca-etcd.pem \
--cert={{ etcd_conf_dir }}/cert-etcd-server.pem \
--key={{ etcd_conf_dir }}/cert-etcd-server-key.pem' \
I use Ansible’s shell
module here. I also set a variable etcd_conf_dir
which points to the directory where the etcd
certificate files are located. That should be the same value as the value of etcd_conf_dir
variable of the etcd
role. Since my etcd
processes listen on the WireGuard interface I use ansible_wg0.ipv4.address
here as wg0
is the name of my Wireguard interface. If you use a different port than 2379
then of course you need to change that one too. You should see now a output similar to this:
etcd-node1 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 2.807665ms
etcd-node2 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 2.682864ms
etcd-node3 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 10.169332ms
ansible -m shell -e "etcd_conf_dir=/etc/etcd" -a 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --write-out=table endpoint status \
--endpoints=https://{{ ansible_wg0.ipv4.address }}:2379 \
--cacert={{ etcd_conf_dir }}/ca-etcd.pem \
--cert={{ etcd_conf_dir }}/cert-etcd-server.pem \
--key={{ etcd_conf_dir }}/cert-etcd-server-key.pem' \
which will show you a table like this:
k8s-010101.i.example.com | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
| | 296f59da7313dfd7 | 3.5.9 | 20 kB | false | false | 2 | 11 | 11 | |
k8s-010201.i.example.com | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
| | 4a37ed13f1667e6b | 3.5.9 | 20 kB | true | false | 2 | 11 | 11 | |
k8s-010301.i.example.com | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
| | d20e0decc9083d25 | 3.5.9 | 20 kB | false | false | 2 | 11 | 11 | |
That cluster is in good shape. All nodes have the the same index and etcd #2
is the leader.
Next we’ll install the Kubernetes control plane.